“Physicians are often uncomfortable with the thought of negotiating a contract, but really, we negotiate all the time. Dr. Lisa Nijm takes the mystery out of the process by teaching the skills and language of negotiation. Her fast-paced and information-packed workshops add variety and interest to a conference agenda, and are popular sessions..”

— Dr. Ruth Williams, Wheaton Eye Clinic, Past President, American Academy of Ophthalmology

Much like cataract surgery, learning to negotiate requires a great teacher and focused practice to avoid major complications. Dr. Lisa Nijm’s workshops provides both these things in a highly interactive, engaging format.
— Dr. Joanne Shen, Chair, Mayo Clinic in Arizona

“I feel fortunate to have heard Dr. Nijm speak on negotiation on multiple occasions. She is both incredibly knowledgeable and thoughtful which provides for the perfect combination when it comes to learning how to advocate for ourselves as physicians. Dr. Nijm presents her insights in an organized and straightforward manner which makes it easy to confidently implement in your own life, be it searching for a first job or looking to re-negotiate an existing contract.”

— Dr. Lindsay De Andrade, University of Iowa, AAO Young Ophthalmologists Committee

For negotiation workshops, speaking engagements, and coaching sessions, please complete the information below…

Dr. Nijm has spoken at over 40 ophthalmology residency programs across the country on the subject of contract negotiations and conducted many small and large workshops for physicians at major meetings. She has coached over 1,300 physicians and healthcare executives to date. Dr. Nijm is available to conduct live or virtual negotiation training and will customize the workshop for your particular group. Please fill out the contact information below to request her to speak at your next event.